The Party

May 3
6:00 pm TO 10:00 pm

Silverleaf Club
18701 N Silverleaf Dr, Scottsdale,
Scottsdale, 85255

Dress Code

All White Cocktail Attire

Kindly note that the dress code for the event is White Cocktail Attire. We ask that guests wear white clothing, with men being welcome to wear khaki pants as part of their outfit. Please note that the party will be outside and on grass, so be sure to wear your dancing shoes!


Dinner & Drinks

Dinner and drinks will be provided at the event, so please come hungry and ready to enjoy. 



You are welcome to drive to the venue; however, we encourage using Uber for convenience. When you arrive, please be sure to mention your name and the 'Messmer Party' at the front gate. If you choose to drive yourself, kindly pull up to the valet circle at the club’s front entry.